
Help to improve our database

We are continuously collecting common terms used by the Emergency Medical Services practitioners across Europe. Help us improve our content and fill out the online form. If you are not able to find what you are looking for, please let us know by sending us a message through our contact page.

Your feedback is important for us and it will be fed into our Database for the EMS glossary.

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To unify the communication and knowledge exchange between the emergency medical teams across Europe iProcureSecurity seeks to translate the identified EMS terms in all consortium languages.

That is why the project encourages everyone willing to contribute, to suggest and add missing terminology translation.

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Practitioner mobile devices and apps

Portable computing devices (such as a smartphone or tablet computer) and programs which can provide a service to emergency professionals.

Pre-Commercial Procurement

Procurement of research and development of new innovative solutions before they are commercially available. PCP involves different suppliers competing through different phases of development.

Pre-Commercial Procurement

is a method for public purchasers to finance the development of innovative solutions. It is an approach to procuring R&D services2, which involve risk-benefit sharing with the suppliers and developers, but does not constitute State aid. The legal basis for PCP in procurement law are the exemptions in Article 16.F of public procurement Directive 2004/18/EC and Article 24.E of public procurement Directive 2004/17/EC.

Pre-arrival instructions

Instructions or guidance provided by emergency dispatchers to the individuals making the emergency call.

Pre-hospital environment

Referred to emergency interventions outside the hospital: street, home, workplace, etc.

Pre-hospital team

Teams which provide care prior to a patient's arrival at a hospital.

Prehospital emergency medicine

Medical subspecialty which focuses on caring for seriously ill or injured patients before they reach hospital, and during emergency transfer to hospital or between hospitals.

Prehospital emergency specialist

Medical specialists who provides care during transfer of casualties to definitive care facilities.

Preparatory stage

Innovation procurement involves 3 stages and several steps per stage: 1. Preparatory stage (before procurement), covering the following steps: -identification and assessment of the needs of the procurer (and end-users); - verification of the needs against what already exists (prior art analysis & patent search); - verification of the needs against what the market can deliver (open market consultation); - formulation of the business-case for the procurer to start an innovation procurement (how to set the functionality/price requirements on the innovative solutions so the procurement achieves a positive cost/benefit outcome for the procurer); - drafting the tender documents (including setting IPR, confidentiality and standardisation requirements).

Preventive Medicine

Medical practices that are designed to avert and avoid disease.

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