
Help to improve our database

We are continuously collecting common terms used by the Emergency Medical Services practitioners across Europe. Help us improve our content and fill out the online form. If you are not able to find what you are looking for, please let us know by sending us a message through our contact page.

Your feedback is important for us and it will be fed into our Database for the EMS glossary.

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To unify the communication and knowledge exchange between the emergency medical teams across Europe iProcureSecurity seeks to translate the identified EMS terms in all consortium languages.

That is why the project encourages everyone willing to contribute, to suggest and add missing terminology translation.

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PCP Phase

It is an R&D phase in the PCP. In general, there are 3 phases in a PCP project. Phase 1 comprises solution exploration, Phase 2 comprises prototyping, and Phase 3 comprises original development and testing of a limited volume of first products or services in the form of a test series.

PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online)

The guidelines for online acquisitions established by the European Union and 18 public authorities


Public procurement of Innovative Solutions


Public private partnership

PQQ (Pre-qualification questionnaire):

Is intended to help public purchasers/buyers to shortlist the number of suppliers and form part of the restricted tendering procedure. PQQ includes questions regarding level of experience, capacity and financial standing.

PSL (preferred supplier list)

Contains a list of suppliers that the business has specified to be of interest, and might be used in a specific acquisition.


A person trained to give emergency medical care to people who are seriously ill with the aim of stabilizing them before they are taken to hospital.

Participatory research and innovation

An approach to research in communities that emphasizes participation and action


A person or organization involved in the signing of the contract. Normally comprise of a supplier and a client with shared rights and responsibilities.


A person who is receiving medical care, or who is cared for by a particular doctor or dentist when necessary

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