26.10.2021 XiV Italian Congress of Health Technology Assessment (SIHTA)


Homepage: https://www.sihta.it/web/congresso-nazionale-2021/

In 2020, the SarsCov-2 pandemic has hit Italy hard and, despite our hopes, is still at the center of our lives, still responsible for about 130,000 deaths. The difficult context has forced the government to adopt a strategy articulated at different levels with the adoption of increasingly stringent precautionary measures that have greatly affected our behavior and freedom. These measures have had a strong impact on the economic fabric, which has experienced the worst decline in GDP in the history of the Republic, and on the social, with educational losses, reduction of sociality, growing distrust of the population towards the system, the institutions, recommendations.

The XIV Sihta National Congress wanted to address this moment with foresight, reflecting on the necessary palingenesis of the health system that has made this crisis inevitable, and questioning how the evaluation of health technologies can be a positive protagonist in the necessary post-Covid revival phase. The title of the XIV Sihta National Congress emerged from this simple reflection.

The subtitle “Organization, Connection, Data” summarizes the key elements of a change process to identify the “opportunities” arising from the new economic resources (PNRR), from the ongoing digital revolution, and from the new awareness of needs and opportunities health systems determined by the intersection between demographic transformation and the pandemic.


     Rome (Italy)