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Open project form
  • Funding: FP7
  • From: 2019-01-01 to 2020-06-30

Today, citizens moving across Europe have very limited control on their own health data, spread out in different silos. Legal constraints may prevent controllers of these silos from exchanging the managed data, even in anonymized way, without the intervention of higher authorities. As a consequence, health data cannot be fully exploited for healthcare and research.
InteropEHRate aims to empower the citizen and unlock health data from local silos, using a bottom-up approach for EHR interoperability.

  • Funding: FP7
  • From: 2020-11-01 to 2022-10-31

There are tens of billions of IoT (Internet of Things) connected devices globally, the vast majority typically powered by a battery. Batteries come with the caveat of battery replacement, that translates into an incremental cost throughout system ownership, a huge environmental impact and safety risks in certain sensitive applications (e.g. medical devices).

ONiO is a Norwegian SME focused on the development of self-powered, battery-free solutions to the IoT market. ONiO’s core business is to translate the latest technical breakthroughs in wireless microcontroller units (MCU) and sensors into commercial solutions across a wide range of IoT market segments: healthcare, industrial, automotive, buildings, etc.

The company has developed ONiO.zero – a MCU on a small chip, highly flexible to link and power multiple embedded sensors without batteries. Now, grounded on ONiO.zero, the SME intends to develop turnkey solutions for the IoT market and tailored sensors to be applied in numerous smart sensing solutions, from wearables and clothing to healthcare and industrial solutions.

  • Funding: H2020
  • From: 2020-01-01 to 2023-12-31

Technology plays a vital role in medical healthcare systems. Wearable wireless sensor technology has also entered the medical realm of diagnosis, monitoring and treatment. From measuring body temperature and blood pressure to monitoring vital signs and providing real-time feedback, this technology can improve patient diagnostic procedures. The EU-funded ROVER project is bringing together experts from eight countries to develop novel solutions and procedures, facilitating the commercialisation of non-invasive on-body and in-body wireless technology innovations. It will develop a system architecture that draws on expertise in areas of engineering, physics, medicine, computer science and product development. This new architecture implements non-ionising diagnostics and monitoring augmented by secure data transfer at all levels with medical involvement.

International Patient Summary (IPS)
  • Funding: FP7
  • From: 2014-01-01 to 2020-12-31

An International Patient Summary (IPS) document is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information intended for use in the unscheduled, cross-border care scenario, comprising at least the required elements of the IPS dataset. The IPS dataset is a minimal and non-exhaustive patient summary dataset, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by clinicians for the cross-border unscheduled care of a patient.

  • Funding: H2020
  • From: 2020-01-01 to 2023-12-31

Doctors and nurses are not immune to burnout, which is a combination of exhaustion, cynicism and perceived inefficacy resulting from long-term job stress. In fact, workers in the healthcare sector experience burnout much more frequently than workers in other professions. The EU-funded Magnet4Europe project will develop an evidence-based model for the organisational redesign of clinical work environments in order to enhance workers’ wellbeing, retention, productivity and patient outcomes. Specifically, it will use a mixed-method design to determine direct and indirect individual and collective health outcomes and cost effectiveness. The aim is to improve mental health, reduce sickness absence and positively impact productivity and economic results through redesigned clinical work environments that promote mental health.

  • Funding: H2020
  • From: 2017-05-01 to 2019-04-30

Handling the crises faced by modern societies often requires the coordination of multiple types of stakeholders from different countries. One of the key requirements to manage crisis is to have access to situational awareness (SA). However, current SA solutions (SAS) are not adapted to operate in cross-border contexts and present several shortcomings related to interoperability, data management/processing, decision making, standardisation and procurement. This hinders a reliable sharing of SA information. SAYSO will address these shortcomings and pave the way for the development of innovative European cost-effective Multi-Stakeholders SA Systems (MSSAS) which will provide practitioners with user-friendly solutions, providing a clear picture of the situation at hand with relevant advices.

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